“Why Kaliyuga is Associated with Rahu and Shukra”
According to Indian astrology, the nine planets including the Sun have been mentioned. Our religious scriptures also mention four eras – Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga, and Kaliyuga. Satyuga was the first era, followed by Tretayuga, the era of Lord Rama. Then came Dwaparyuga, the era of Lord Krishna. Finally, the last era, Kaliyuga, began approximately 5,000 years ago. The scriptures also refer to Kaliyuga as the best era. However, this era has also seen cruelty, exploitation, greed, illusion, conflict, enmity, confusion, indulgence, uncertainty, rapid modernization, and indulgence. This is why Kaliyuga is also referred to as the era of Rahu and Shukra. This era is also considered painful.
Now, let’s learn about Rahu –
According to Indian astrology, Rahu is considered a shadow planet. This means that it has no physical shape or form. It is uncertain and extremely subtle. In the solar system, the point where the Sun’s orbit and the Moon’s orbit intersect is called Rahu, or it can be said that it is a new type of extremely high energy. Exactly opposite to this, Ketu is situated at 180°. Since Rahu and Ketu have no physical shape, it is extremely difficult to understand them, which is why Rahu is considered the factor of illusion and Maya. If we say normally, then “I am Rahu” means “I am both Rama and Ravana”. Rahu is a vast, uncertain energy that believes in changing situations suddenly. Rahu is a planet that can give humans great heights overnight and also take away those heights overnight.
According to mythological stories, Rahu is considered the head and Ketu is considered the torso. The head part of the body, where our senses like nose, ears, etc. are located, is completely under the control of Rahu. The remaining torso part belongs to Ketu. Due to Rahu’s complete influence on the senses and lack of a torso, the senses are always desirous but never satisfied. This is why Rahu’s unsatisfied desires are always very high, and when they are fulfilled, it starts desiring even more. This is why Rahu is also considered the factor of madness for anything. However, it does not like to work continuously, it prefers shortcuts. This is why it does not hesitate to do unethical work. It adopts all four methods – sama, dama, danda, and bhed – to get any work done. Rahu also does show-off and pretence.
Now, let’s learn about the planet Shukra:
In the nine planets mentioned in Jyotish Shastra, Shukra is also one of them. It is a benevolent planet with Rajasik qualities. Shukracharya, the guru of the demons, possessed the Sanjeevani Vidya. In the Gochara position, Shukra is always 1 or 2 houses ahead or behind the Sun, which is why it is often considered weak. In Jyotish, the ownership of Taurus and Libra zodiac signs belongs to Shukracharya, the demon sage. These signs fall in the 2nd and 7th houses of the Kalpurush, which is why Shukra is considered the factor of wealth and wife. In the scriptures, Shukra is considered the factor of luxury, love, beauty, attraction, happiness, art, creation, desire, passion, enjoyment, semen, wealth, wife, health, sensuality, fashion, design, vehicles, prosperity, etc.
Now, let’s learn why Kaliyuga is influenced by Rahu and Shukra:
In the current era, the last of the four yugas, Kaliyuga, is prevalent, which is heavily influenced by Rahu. You can see that currently, non-violence, theft, robbery, diplomacy, conspiracy, uncertainty, communication, hatred, electronic items, show-off, illusion, etc. are prevalent, which are influenced by Rahu. However, Rahu is also attracted to the good things in life like wealth, luxury, grandeur, art, indulgence, beauty, attraction, sensual desires, happiness, etc. which are the factors of Shukra. This is why Rahu feels more comfortable with Shukra than with other planets. But when these things become too powerful, humans get caught up in bad habits, which ultimately prove to be detrimental. Therefore, this era is influenced by Rahu and Shukra. Rahu is a planet that excels in expansion, but it is also extremely attracted to Shukra, which is why it expands Shukra’s factors along with its own. Often, what we think will happen doesn’t, and what happens is not what we expected – this is a kind of illusion that is caused by Rahu. How to avoid being overly influenced by Rahu:
Here are 10 ways to avoid being overly influenced by Rahu:
- First and foremost, keep your diet pure. Avoid eating outside food, especially junk food.
- Drink plenty of water and purify your thoughts. Stay away from negativity.
- Limit your use of electronic items. Only use your mobile phone when necessary. Use the internet to gain knowledge and motivation.
- Keep yourself sattvic. Wake up early in the morning and sleep early at night. Also, spend some time in puja, paath, bhajan, and keertan.
- Improve your habits and try to change them for the better. For example, avoid bathing late, watching TV or phone while eating, etc.
- Stay away from bad company, addiction, gambling, and other vices. Avoid getting addicted to anything bad.
- Learn to manage your time and constantly update yourself. Keep yourself updated in a good way.
- Avoid overthinking. Focus more on your work rather than thinking. Take decisions under the guidance of a guru or elders.
- Keep your work limited to yourself until it’s complete. Try to stay away from darkness and come into the light.
- Do something good for yourself every day and move forward. It’s beneficial to worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga.
Note: All the planets in the Navagraha have their own significance. Therefore, all planets are generally good. No planet is inherently bad. Even Rahu can give good results if its boundless energy is channeled in the right direction. Always try to use Rahu’s energy for good purposes. Since everyone is influenced by Rahu in the current era, try to ensure that Rahu influences you only for good things, such as exercising, using electronics wisely, reading daily, etc. So, stay happy and enjoy life.
SUMMARY “Why Kaliyuga is Associated with Rahu and Shukra”
Kaliyuga, the current era, is heavily influenced by Rahu and Shukra. Rahu, a shadow planet, represents illusion, confusion, and sudden changes. Shukra, a benevolent planet, represents luxury, love, beauty, and wealth. The combination of Rahu and Shukra’s energies in Kaliyuga leads to a mix of good and bad influences. To avoid being overly influenced by Rahu’s negative energies, one can follow 10 guidelines, including maintaining a pure diet, limiting electronic usage, and staying away from negativity. By channeling Rahu’s energy positively and staying focused on good habits, one can navigate the challenges of Kaliyuga.
FAQ: Kaliyuga and the Influence of Rahu and Shukra
What is Kaliyuga?
Kaliyuga is the current era in Hindu astrology, which is believed to have started approximately 5,000 years ago.
Why is Kaliyuga associated with Rahu and Shukra?
Kaliyuga is associated with Rahu and Shukra because their energies are believed to dominate this era, influencing human behavior and events.
What does Rahu represent?
Rahu represents illusion, confusion, sudden changes, and materialism.
What does Shukra represent?
Shukra represents luxury, love, beauty, wealth, and sensual desires.
How can one avoid being overly influenced by Rahu’s negative energies?
One can follow 10 guidelines, including maintaining a pure diet, limiting electronic usage, staying away from negativity, and focusing on good habits.
Can Rahu’s energy be channeled positively?
Yes, Rahu’s energy can be channeled positively by focusing on good habits, self-improvement, and spiritual growth.
What is the significance of Shukra in Kaliyuga?
Shukra’s influence in Kaliyuga is associated with an increase in materialism, sensual desires, and attachment to worldly pleasures.
How can one navigate the challenges of Kaliyuga?
One can navigate the challenges of Kaliyuga by staying focused on good habits, self-improvement, and spiritual growth, and by avoiding negative influences and behaviors.
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नमो नम: । मैं स्वयं एक ज्योतिष विषय का जिज्ञासु हूं । इस विषय में मैं निरंतर जानने की चेष्टा करता रहता हूं। मुझे ज्योतिष में बचपन से ही शौक था और मैने इसे गहराई और अनुभवों से जांचा है जिससे मेरे दैनिक जीवन में बड़े लाभ हुए है। वर्तमान में मैं ज्योतिष की सूक्ष्म बातों ओर सिद्धांतों को जानने का प्रयास कर रहा हु। साथ ही जिज्ञासुओं के लिए अपने ज्योतिष के लेख लिख रहा हूं।